The Loveland High School Band Boosters Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, 23 April 2015 at 6 pm in the LHS Auditorium just prior to the 2015 Marching Season Show Reveal.
During the annual meeting a condensed version of the LHS Band Boosters Annual Report and financial status will be covered and Annual Election of Officers for the Board of Directors will be held in compliance with our bylaws.
Your LHS Band Boosters Organization Needs You – Please consider volunteering to serve on the Board of Directors or as a committee chair!
Deadline for Nominations – April 3rd, 2015
If you are interested in running for one of the elected voting board positions, please submit your name and your qualifications (a couple of sentences to introduce yourself and what skills and experience you bring to the position of interest) to the LHS Band Boosters Board Secretary, Nikki Miller via e-mail at secretary@lovelandband.org.
In addition to the need for executive board members, there are a number of committee chairs needed. All board and committee chair positions expected to be vacant during our next annual period (which runs from 1 June to 31 May each season) will be highlighted below. Please consider these positions as a top priority.
.The nomination deadline is necessary to prepare ballots in advance of the Annual Meeting. All of the positions are described in the attached word document.