Miss a past LHS Bands performance? See these replays.

video_replayWith your busy schedules, you may have missed a past LHS Bands performance. Or you may just want to watch a performance again…

For your viewing pleasure…here are video links to some of the past LHS Bands performances of 2013 fall.

 Crimson Regiment Marching Band performances videos:

Thank-you to our videographers: Jim Moy, Karina Schlecht and the Buckleys for their recordings of the above LHS Bands’ performances.

► Check out these past state performances of our Crimson Regiment, Wind Symphony and Winter Guard award winning performances. Coming soon: Jazz performances and other Band performances.

If you would like to record our bands and Winter Guard performances, please contact Val Fischer-Pallansch, val.fischer-pallansch@q.com to arrange posting to our website.