Replay of Loveland Percussion, Ensembles and Jazz May 9 Concert

213 Jazz Band _May 9Check out the videos of the Loveland Jazz, Percussion and Ensembles Concert held on May 9th. A big thank-you goes to Jim and Karen Moy’s dedication in providing the Loveland Band program with photos and videos taken throughout the school year of the bands’ performances.

Clave and Sons, Rath
Traditional Middle Eastern Drumming
La Llarona, traditional Mexican tune, Jeanne
Traditional Samba Drumming

Petite Piece, Debussy
Adagio E Tarantella, Cavallini
Russian Duet
Nearer, my God, to Thee, Sullivan, Roberts

Jazz Band
Cellular Bones, Clark
Snake Oil Man, Rowe
Chameleon, Hancock, Sweeney
Blues in Hoss Flat, Basie, Taylor
Lil’ Darlin, Hefti
That’s What I Thought, McKee
Hey Pachuco