If you missed the May 16 concert or want to watch it again, here are the videos of the concert for your viewing enjoyment. A heartfelt thank-you to Jim and Karen Moy’s dedication in providing the Loveland Band program with photos and videos taken throughout the school year of the bands’ performances.
Concert Band
• Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Williams-Ford
• Joy, Ticheli
Symphonic Band
• Three Ayres from Clouchester, Stuart
• Abide with Me, Monk-Dawson
• Huntingdon Celebration, Sparkle
Senior Recitals
• Brass Ensemble
• Saxophone Quintet #1
• Saxophone Quintet #2
• Saxophone Quintet #3
• Se tu m’ami, Pergolesi
• 2nd Arabesque, Debussy
Wind Symphony
• Rolling Thunder, Fillmore
• Paris Sketches, Movements 2, 3, Ellerby
• Paris Sketches, Movement 4, Ellerby
• Ialian Rhapsody, Giroux